Ch Rysan's Just For Me![]() Ch Rysan's Just For Me winning SpGr1
Bart was the senior diplomat in the household after he retired from most duties except trotting around the yard. He was always a soft, kind dog who was happiest laying by my feet . We've always been proud of his show career, but his biggest win was in capturing our hearts. A successful Stud dog, he produced 6 Champions and 2 Grand Champions. Bart had several bouts of tick-borne disease over the past several years that have left him older and weaker, and he developed Cushings disease and hypothyroidism due to Cushings, and we were thankful for the time he had with us. Some additional photos of Bart are in the Photo Gallery. We said our final goodbyes to him on a beautiful summer day after he wandered around the yard. He was my heart dog and he lives on here with his grandkids.
Ch Rysan's Road To Conwy RN![]() Ch Rysan's Road to Conwy winning
Cody provided the comic relief in our family-he is often lying on his back napping on the couch or contorting himself to get a crumb under the furniture that no one else notices. He was trained in Rally by Rich, but preferred to keep him guessing as to whether 'Good Cody' or 'Bad Cody' was going to show up at ringside. Cody is shown winning BoB from the classes at the 2004 WSSCA Supported Entry with Swedish judge Mrs. Majvor Nasman. Cody much preferred the couch to the show ring, and we abided by his wishes and retired him from showing.
Ch Rysan's Road To Deythur![]() Kian was our peace-keeper in the house-he made sure everyone toed the line but did it with good cheer and tact. He was also athletic-he believed 6 foot runs and 5 foot fences were made to be scaled, and the 4 foot fences held no challenge for him at all. Reportedly he inherited his fence-climbing from his sire, Divot! Kian was a lot of dog in a small package, but represented the breed standard's description of a 'handy size' quite well. He was Rich's buddy, and liked to snuggle up under his arm while reading. Kian sired several litters with some lovely puppies, and his compact body type is seen in his progeny. He passed away at nearly 15 years old.
Ch Ta Wei's Remembrance at Rysan![]() Remy came to the US in the fall of 2007 from Sweden. We were looking for a dog with old Swedish lines and his sire was one of the last of the sons of Metzgard's Moonlight Valley, a dog I'd always loved in photos. He finished his championship easily, and enjoyed showing as long as his 'stablemate' Bart was around. Remy developed Autoimmune Thyroiditis, and we removed him from our breeding program. His favorite occupation is napping and eating biscuits now.
Ch Ky-Bryn's As Requested for Rysan![]() Tigg was the girl we chose to restart our breeding program, and we appreciated the effort Peggy Ruble made to produce Tigg and to get her to us. Her movement and type were just what we were looking for, and we are were thrilled with the puppies she blessed us with. Tigg was bred several times and went on to be a wonderful companion for an elderly Welshie lover. She passed away too soon at age 10. For a gallery of photos of the puppies, go here.
Rysan's Road To Joy![]() Molly came back to us as a two year old. She was born and placed in 2002, and when that home didn't work out, we kept her here at Rysan. She was not a difficult girl to live with, and we always promised her that unless the perfect home came along, she would stay with us forever. As her breeders, we committed to having her live out her senior years in comfortable surroundings. She ran and played and welcomed visitors, and we said goodbye to her on a beautiful Easter Sunday after she was 14 years old.
Quinn![]() Quinn is our fourth ASCOB cocker spaniel and third buff male we've owned in the 47 years we've been married. He is our first true 'show cocker', though, and his sole purpose in life is to entertain us-which if that was an AKC event, he'd earn the title of Master Champion. He is cheerful, affectionate, silly, wildly tuned into our moods, and just an all-round perfect cocker spaniel. We don't show or breed the cockers we own, we just enjoy them, and for that, we're immensely grateful for this boy from Bettie Campbell. He was actually slated to be a show dog, but because he had too much white on his muzzle, he became our pet instead. He filled the hole in our hearts when we lost our Travis in 2009. His loss of a show career means that he gets to sit on Rich's lap to watch all the Giants games in the fall and winter season and all the Yankee games during spring and summer-it's a heck of a life!
GCh Rysan's Rhedyn As Requested![]() Rhed arrived here in June 2013 from our litter of Brecon and Tigg puppies. She is full of personality, and her favorite activities are surfing countertops, scouring the yard looking for fallen black walnuts and sticks and telling everyone that SHE is in charge. She completed her AKC championship and Grand Championship easily, and has won BoB with competition and placement in an Owner Handler Group. She is a lovely addition to our family and we're thrilled with her temperament and overall quality. She produced several champions in her breeding career and she is now retired and never far from my side. She is always FIRST to sneak through the baby gate to get to me.
Nick![]() Nick was pulled out of a kill shelter in the mid-PA area around 2005/6 when WSSCA members could not determine from photos if he was a WSS. Once we saw him in person, it was clear he was not a WSS, but probably an English Setter from field lines. Nevertheless, he was fostered with some puppy folks of ours, but they choose not to adopt him. We boarded him for awhile, and then he just became part of the pack here at Rysan. He was probably 6-7 years old when we got him. He was not able to trot long distances without limping, so we figured he had hip dysplasia. He had a fear of thunder, was unable to stay in a crate and barked excessively, especially with other dogs around. We chose to keep him here with us until it was time to say our final goodbye.