Welsh Springer Spaniel Health Issues

BiS/BiSS Ch Rysan's First
Round Kayo CDX
Round Kayo CDX
Welsh Springer Spaniels are a healthy breed, with life expectancy greater than 12 years. Many Welshies live to 14, and one of ours lived to be 16 years old. When you bring a Welsh Springer into your home, it will be a family member for a long time, and may see your kids graduate from high school or college. Inquire about the health clearances breeders have obtained on their dogs, and ask to see the results. Obtaining health testing of the parents is not a guarantee that a puppy will have perfect health. It is an indicator of the value that the breeder places on documenting the health status of their breeding stock and contributing information useful to others in making breeding decisions.
Topics covered here include Canine Hip Dysplasia, Thyroid Disease, Eye Problems and Epilepsy. Watch for future topics on Canine Allergy and Dietary Intolerance/Sensitivity. Please click on the buttons below to learn more about Welsh Springer Spaniel health issues.
Topics covered here include Canine Hip Dysplasia, Thyroid Disease, Eye Problems and Epilepsy. Watch for future topics on Canine Allergy and Dietary Intolerance/Sensitivity. Please click on the buttons below to learn more about Welsh Springer Spaniel health issues.