I know, the summer show season is just getting started, and I'm already reminding people about the American Spaniel Club Annual Flushing Spaniel Show held in January. This is a premier show for Welshies, and gives prospective breed judges an opportunity to see a larger than normal entry of dogs. While it is not as large an entry as we used to draw in our WSS heydey (we once had 90 dogs entered at ASC!), it is still one of the top three shows of the year for us, behind the Specialty Weekend cluster of shows and a Regional Specialty cluster.
The 2014 show site will once again be the Knoxville Convention/Exhibition Center, located at 525 Henley Street, Knoxville, TN. The host hotel will be the Holiday Inn World's Fair, at the same site. The date of the show is January 10 - 12, 2014, and as far as I know, we will once again have the same type of judging schedule as we did in 2013. Obedience and Rally judging will be held on Friday morning, January 10th. Sweepstakes (Puppy and Veteran) will be held on that Friday in the late afternoon or early evening. Regular class judging will be held on Saturday, January 11th, and Best of Breed judging will be held on Sunday, January 12th.
The judge for Clumbers, Welsh Springer Spaniels and ASCOB Cocker Spaniels is currently listed as Sandra Lex, from Ontario, Canada. I'm sure it will be a big event for her, since she probably has not judged large numbers of Welsh Springers previously in the States. The Greater Chesapeake WSS Club is sponsoring the Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes, and approval has already been granted by WSSCA for this event. I will be the secretary for the sweepstakes, but I do not yet have the Sweeps judge's name.
American Spaniel Club will be offering awards again for Rally, Obedience, Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes, and all regular classes, Best of Breed, Awards of Merit and Select Awards. These awards are funded entirely by donations from the Welsh Springer Spaniel fancy, with the exception of an additional Best of Breed award offered by ASC. No money from WSSCA is used to finance any part of ASC trophies. In September I will send a request for donations, using the Yahoo list-serve and email and Facebook to solicit donations.
There is a good likelihood that the ASC winter show will stay in the south for the foreseeable future purely for economic reasons. It is much less expensive to lease suitable space in southern locales, and this will weigh heavily with ASC leadership when planning the 2015 show. ASC had committed to three years at the Knoxville site, and 2014 will be the final year before a decision is made regarding staying in Knoxville or finding a new location elsewhere.
The 2014 show site will once again be the Knoxville Convention/Exhibition Center, located at 525 Henley Street, Knoxville, TN. The host hotel will be the Holiday Inn World's Fair, at the same site. The date of the show is January 10 - 12, 2014, and as far as I know, we will once again have the same type of judging schedule as we did in 2013. Obedience and Rally judging will be held on Friday morning, January 10th. Sweepstakes (Puppy and Veteran) will be held on that Friday in the late afternoon or early evening. Regular class judging will be held on Saturday, January 11th, and Best of Breed judging will be held on Sunday, January 12th.
The judge for Clumbers, Welsh Springer Spaniels and ASCOB Cocker Spaniels is currently listed as Sandra Lex, from Ontario, Canada. I'm sure it will be a big event for her, since she probably has not judged large numbers of Welsh Springers previously in the States. The Greater Chesapeake WSS Club is sponsoring the Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes, and approval has already been granted by WSSCA for this event. I will be the secretary for the sweepstakes, but I do not yet have the Sweeps judge's name.
American Spaniel Club will be offering awards again for Rally, Obedience, Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes, and all regular classes, Best of Breed, Awards of Merit and Select Awards. These awards are funded entirely by donations from the Welsh Springer Spaniel fancy, with the exception of an additional Best of Breed award offered by ASC. No money from WSSCA is used to finance any part of ASC trophies. In September I will send a request for donations, using the Yahoo list-serve and email and Facebook to solicit donations.
There is a good likelihood that the ASC winter show will stay in the south for the foreseeable future purely for economic reasons. It is much less expensive to lease suitable space in southern locales, and this will weigh heavily with ASC leadership when planning the 2015 show. ASC had committed to three years at the Knoxville site, and 2014 will be the final year before a decision is made regarding staying in Knoxville or finding a new location elsewhere.
A lot of folks who used to attend the ASC shows in the Northeast do not make the trek to Knoxville anymore, citing distance and weather concerns. We've driven from New Jersey to Knoxville without incident these last two years. It used to be a one to three hour trip for ASC shows for us when they were in Secaucus or Philadelphia or Valley Forge. Now it's a 675 mile drive that we divide into 2 days. But we love it, we wouldn't miss it, and we hope that we can convince some people who haven't been yet to attend. Rich flies into Knoxville without incident, but there is usually a connector flight involved. Perhaps a group of folks from far-off places may be interested in renting an RV and making an outing of it to come to the south for a winter vacation! We'd love to have you, and you can do all sorts of sight-seeing along the way.
The GCWSSC folks are supportive of this show and we always try to make it an enjoyable event. Please make plans to join us in Knoxville in 2014 and show in Rally, Obedience and Breed. You'll be glad you came!